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It Was a Gift to Know Carol E Smith

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Carol Campbell

On behalf of my family, I extend my deepest condolences to Pastor Smith's family and all of his loved ones. Pastor Smith would transport us during our trips to Jamaica and he was always
so welcoming to us. He made us feel so safe and at ease, with his warm and kind demeanour. He will be sorely missed, and we will continue to keep his family in our thoughts and prayers in the days ahead.

Sis. Kadeann Minto

Fill not your hearts with sadness, as a rose to see was pastor Smith's life, he lived so gracefully, he made things precious by his touch, words of wisdom. His selfless love lives on in each of us, the petals of his life fell one by one but each a gift of his radiance blooms once again in the fields of glory with no end. It was a honour knowing you Pastor Smith.

Paulett Kelly

Sister Sandra Watson - Smith, a devoted, genuine and cherished friend of mine from early days as we actively participated joyfully in the work of the Lord, I express sincere condolences on behalf of the Kelly's family of John's Hall Church of God some living locally and overseas on the passing of Reverend Carol Smith. Be assured that God is well pleased with the work he carried out assiduously especially at Roadside Church of God in St. Ann. It is hard to part with the one you love but be assured that there is coming a day when there will be no more parting over there, instead, we all will be shouting on the hills of Glory. My prayers are with you and family, my dear sister and friend from way back when. Love you Sister Sandra.

Pastor Deron C. Swaby

From the day God made you he had plans for your life. You were given the gift to connect with people and that gift see you welcoming tourists and becoming a spiritual leader(pastor). Now you have taken your flight and are interacting with angels. We love you Rev'd Smith, but Jesus loves you best. Good night!!

Camesha Dunbar

I first met Reverend Carol Smith some years ago at general assembly when he just randomly assisted me in picking tamarinds from the trees on the Ardenne Prep Property. Fast forward years later I met him again while attending Moneague College in St. Ann when I discovered that there was a church close by that is the same denomination as my home church in Pepper, St.Elizabeth. He was a welcoming and an encouraging soul.
I am truly disheartened to hear of the passing of Rev. Smith. He was an amazing man. He had a heart of gold. His kindness knew no boundaries. His spoken words were food for the soul.
I can vividly remember him coming to pick us up ( a group of young people from the college) every Sunday morning to attend church at Roadside Church of God.
An amazing fact is that he didn’t just pick us up but he allowed us to be a part of the church , we we were no spectators, we were allowed to sing and be apart of the different activities that took place weekly.
He was so diligent and passionate about serving others while giving the best to his Master.
I can remember One Sunday when I was at my lowest in college struggling to make ends meet out of the blue he blessed me with 10 usd when he dropped us back at the College. To him it might have been small act of kindness but to me it was everything; it was God showing up for me for that week ahead. This is a really great loss for the youths in the church of God and just for everyone who came in contact with him. He touched lives in a beautiful and impactful way but I know he’s smiling with his maker and friend whom he served fervently.
To everyone who mourns his loss especially Sister Sandra and children …I say be strong as his indelible legacy lives on in our hearts forever. My prayers are with the family.

Donna Calnick

Let Rev Smith Love and happiness surround you all like a garden fill with flowers, and
May you find the Faith to hold on to a brighter tomorrow.

We the Calnicks family send you "STARDUST" to sparkle your lives and filled your days with laughter and smiles.🙏🏽🙏🏽

Fiona Irwin-Manning

I can personally attest that based on the qualities that Rev'd Smith's children possess, it is a testament to the excellent father and leader he was. He will live on through his children, wife, mother and everyone he impacted. Keep strong Junior.

Ryan O Hewitt

The Apostle Paul charges us in Thessalonians : "Do not mourn like the Heathens who has no hope." I offer this comfort to Sis. Sandra, Jona Lee, Junior, Joash and all the other members of the family. It is indeed a difficult time but may the Comforter draw nearer to you all.

Rev. Smith holds a great place in my life and ministry, as he offered direct and indirect mentoring and modeling of Service and Faithfulness.

Long live his legacy, Bishop of St. Ann.!!!!!

God's Blessings Always
Ryan Hewitt

Monica Kelly--Long

Gone too soon but will never be forgotten. Very humble and easy going Pastor always checking on his Health Insurance and GfB Payments to make sure he wasn't in arrears, also Roadside Church of God. I can recall when he became ill I would call every now and then to check in on him , he would say Sis. Long just pray. The Staff at the National Office missed him dearly but his memories will forever be in our hearts. RIP our dear beloved Pastor. Smith. Your work has ended henceforth a crown awaits you in glory. Cheer up Sis. Sandra and extended family. God knows everything best.

Ruhe-Hope Anderson, Mears COG

I was quite surprised and saddened to hear of his passing. Sis Sandra, my sincere condolences to you and the family. You have lost a wonderful husband and father. I loved him instantly I met him. He had a lively, sparkling personality "full of vibes" as we love to say colloquially. He was a good example of Christian warmth and love just like the Saviour demonstrated here on earth. He will be sorely missed at rallies. Be comforted that he is with the Lord who gifted him to us only for this brief period. May his soul rest peacefully in the bosom of the Lord.

Sis Josette williams

I was so privileged to have met pastor Carol passionate and loving and kind.He drove from the last General Assembly to ocho Rios and told me I am waiting if you don't get any ride you can come by me.The last time we spoke was at a funeral service he conducted and told about his illness I prayedy for him.But I Know God is Good
Be has finished his course.SIP Rev.Sis josette Williams from Halifax COG

Donna Calnick

Let Rev Smith Love and happiness surround you all like a garden fill with flowers, and
May you find the Faith to hold on to a brighter tomorrow.

We the Calnicks family send you "STARDUST" to sparkle your lives and filled your days with laughter and smiles.🙏🏽🙏🏽

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